Én pedig közben rájöttem miért adták ki végül. A Katrina hurrikán áldozatai számára gyűjtöttek vele adományt. Aki minimum 20 dollárt felajánlott, az a donációs papír ellenében ezen a címen ff_dvd@teako170.com igényelhetett egy példányt.
Ott van a cikk legalján amit belinkeltem a filmről
The Wedding
Wedding Finale
As mentioned earlier, the only way to see this film has been via the bootleg. It is rumored that this film rivals the The Star Wars Holiday Special as the most popular bootlegged film among comic and sci-fi fans. While the webmaster does not condone the act of bootlegging material that is widely available, this route has been the only way to see this film. As the old saying goes, "one good turn deserves another," so I'm presenting an opportunity that will enable you to receive your own complimentary copy of the 1994 FF film on DVD.
We've all seen and heard the horrific tales from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (and Rita) but there is a silent voice which cannot cry out for help. This cry is from the pets that have been left behind during these catastrophic events. This is your opportunity to help save a life and for your generous act receive, as a gift, a complimentary copy of this fun-filled film. Just follow these steps:
1. Visit The Humane Society website and make a (minimum) donation of $20. The HSUS site will email you a receipt for your donation.
2. Forward a copy of this receipt to ff_dvd@teako170.com. It is important that you do NOT send this receipt as an "attachment." Make sure you copy your receipt into the body of your email as text. Any emails received with attachments will not be read and deleted upon receipt. Translation: No DVD.
3. After receiving your receipt, a copy of this movie will be mailed within two weeks. Only one DVD per household. The film does not contain any cover art (sorry) however the print is one of the better ones available and very watchable. "